Why would you ever consider hiring someone whose behavior you disrespect? Eventually, the relationship will end in tears -- and if you’re not the one crying, you’ll be handing out the Kleenex. But it can... Continue reading
Think about every boss you’ve had since you were a kid, including the parents of the kids you babysat, the owner of the greasy spoon where you waited tables, and the director of the camp... Continue reading
“Andy, you’re not listening to me, bro!” This conversation was delivered in a very tense tone by a fellow with a very tense face. There’s a mortgage brokerage on my floor, and sometimes, when the... Continue reading
When it comes to what’s going on in his business, one of my favorite CEOs has the humility to say, “I don’t know what I don’t know.” He wisely acknowledges what many C-suite leaders don’t:... Continue reading
Let’s talk about “radical candor” now, before it gets too popular. Radical candor, also known as “front-stabbing,” is the management “secret” of former Google director Kim Scott. This direct form of critique is meant to... Continue reading
Most new hires at senior levels come in full of ideas, gumption, and, perhaps, a tacit assumption that things must not have been going perfectly before they were hired. They arrive believing they are going... Continue reading
Challenging a leader’s directives can be frightening. “The powerful are often oblivious to their impact,” wrote Adam Galinsky in a New York Times article, “When in Charge Your Whisper May Feel Like a Shout.” So... Continue reading
No executive wants to deal with “Vic the Victim” or “Negative Ned”. And no employee really wants to be the perpetual bearer of bad tidings. But the truth, although often inconvenient, is actually a crucial... Continue reading
It can be even tougher to accept feedback than it is to give it. It’s never easy to hear that your idea, behavior, or effort didn’t have the desired effect or wasn’t well received. When... Continue reading
The real problem with feedback is that, regardless of how skillfully it’s given, people often don’t know what to do with it. Neuroimagery research by Richard Boyatzis at Case Western University suggests that focusing on... Continue reading
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