No matter how hard you’re working to give your team a sense of direction or to help them cope with the realities of change, it can be a little draining to see how much more... Continue reading
On a recent trip through yet another airport, I passed a man whining into his phone: “I cannot take any more bad news! I cannot!” It’s possible that he was having a terrible conversation about... Continue reading
As a Connected Leader, you’re usually open to hearing whatever your team members have to say. You know them well and you’re skillful about encouraging them to speak. The challenge is to be able to... Continue reading
As a new leader, you’ve begun getting to know your followers, whether they actually report to you or are constituents of your organization. You might even be starting to feel more comfortable in your leadership... Continue reading
Even the most moderate and democratic executives can morph into erratic, mercurial autocrats -- and they may not even be aware of their transformation or the havoc it wreaks. Here’s a sample scenario: A senior... Continue reading
I attended a conference recently that focused on embracing change to ensure sustainability in at-risk organizations. The sessions were substantive, relevant, and thought provoking. I took in two presentations back to back, both delivered by... Continue reading
What can you do if it's clear that your boss thinks your job is a lot easier to do than it really is? You can think of her as the “Have You Gotten Any Better... Continue reading
Every once in a while someone tells me a story of dysfunctional, disruptive, unprofessional, plain old odd boss behavior. Here’s an example, along with some suggestions for how to normalize things with a crazy-making boss... Continue reading
When people talk to you, do you hear everything they’re communicating? Do you recognize the meaning in people’s voices as well as their words to understand what they’re really telling you? Once you’ve known someone... Continue reading
Even when customers are irate, companies have another chance to make things right. Irate customers are asking for the relationship to be salvaged -- if they didn’t still want something from the company they’d just... Continue reading
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