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Workplace Wisdom Archive

How Do You Lead?

After the Yankees’ George Steinbrenner died, a piece ran in the New York Times with the subtitle: “His employees may not have liked it but George Steinbrenner had a point. Brashness and entitlement are essential... Continue reading

Leading with Laughter

I was on an early morning flight from JFK to LAX, trying to catch up on my reading, while most passengers snoozed. Suddenly there was a burst of laughter coming from the window seat one... Continue reading

What’s Your Catchphrase?

I was working with the president of a financial services company the other day. Our conversation moved quickly and easily over multiple, diverse topics, including a couple of new ways to motivate his sales force,... Continue reading

Give the Minimum, Get the Minimum

So many organizations have cut back their staff levels, their benefits, perks, politesse during the last couple of years. As some aspects of business pick up, some employers are starting to give small wage increases,... Continue reading

When the Going Gets Tough…

There is no “business as usual” any more. Do you know anyone who isn’t a little more urgent and intense than they were three years ago? Senior people who relied on secretaries and minions now get... Continue reading

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