During my recent interview for the Human Impact podcast, Ed Andrews made the point that while “most people’s technical skills are reasonably strong, it’s their ‘human skills’ that are lacking.” A crisis period may be... Continue reading
About a month ago, I was interviewed by Jim Karrh, the consultant, coach, and discerning host of the podcast Manage Your Message. Jim recognizes that the way leaders manage their messaging makes a significant difference... Continue reading
I could hear immediately from my client’s voice that she was bothered. As a sales director with a solid track record, she doesn’t often sound distressed, but she did this time. She was expected to... Continue reading
If your job is in the middle of an organization —as a senior manager, a director, an assistant VP, or even a VP with a couple of levels between you and the CEO — then... Continue reading
The other day, when I ran into a mid-level manager I know, he told me that the technical services firm he works for has been acquired twice in the last few years. We talked about... Continue reading
Change may be a constant in life, but in business, many planned change initiatives either peter out or don’t even take hold in the first place. According to a Towers Watson study, only slightly more... Continue reading
Google the phrase “managing expectations” and you’ll get 66 million hits. A search for the refinement “customer expectations” brings back 54 million hits. With so much information available, and so much interest, it’s amazing that... Continue reading
Change is often seen as creative and necessary. It can be invigorating, in the sense of a fresh start. But change is also almost irrepressibly hard. When we first try to give up a personal... Continue reading
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