A lot of what passes for coaching -- in workplaces, in homes, even on kids’ sports teams -- is really just a lot of exhortations and fervent repetitions of normative statements. It doesn’t help the... Continue reading
How do you handle a perpetually negative employee? You may get an idea from this bit of conversation that I had with a distressed client about a pivotal but consistently negative staff member we’ll refer... Continue reading
At a recent meeting, I observed as team members wrangled over what should have been a straightforward process discussion. Not only did their disagreements about “the way things are supposed to be done” get heated... Continue reading
At the third annual Wisdom 2.0 Conference in Silicon Valley last week, I had the wonderful opportunity to hear Dr. Dan Siegel, executive director of the Mindsight Institute and clinical professor of psychiatry at the... Continue reading
For the past six weeks I’ve been writing about why employees need to be able to give their bosses feedback — and what both managers and organizations lose when they discourage that feedback. Now it’s... Continue reading
Any student of management will tell you that it’s stupid to ignore your staff’s feedback -- not to mention impolite, inefficient, and often directly and obviously damaging. You don’t necessarily have to act on staff... Continue reading
In recent posts, we’ve discussed the difficulty of approaching your management with critical feedback even if you’re full of compassion for their difficult situation and have chosen the most propitious time, place, and circumstances possible.... Continue reading
I’m not a fan of inter-organizational benchmarking: It’s almost impossible to replicate someone else’s successes when you don’t have their operating model, or to replicate their practices or techniques when you don’t have their culture... Continue reading
Nobody enjoys being critiqued, corrected, or criticized. It’s hard to hear that we’re not good enough, or that we’re not okay just the way we are. It’s hard even when we’ve asked for the feedback... Continue reading
A few weeks ago, I met someone whose company goes on “advance” instead of “retreat” when they want to spend time engaging deeply together and thinking about what comes next. Their intention is less about... Continue reading
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