As a manager, you might not know that you have a bully reporting to you. Depending on a bully’s style, you may never observe an inappropriate interaction yourself. In these difficult times, employees often stay... Continue reading
Can a work group resolve a bully problem without the intervention or support of senior management? Several readers raised this question with the concern that it can be inconvenient, impractical, or downright useless to try... Continue reading
Workplace bullies may not realize that other people think of them that way. They tend to think they’re just trying to get business results that they deem reasonable, important, or necessary. Their sense of “getting... Continue reading
One of the amazing things about happiness -- not just rose-colored-glasses pretending, wishing, and hoping everything will be all right, but actually feeling good -- is that if you persist in it long enough, others... Continue reading
Senior executives usually work at having strong relationships with their team members -- but surprisingly often, they don’t focus as strongly on their relationship with their team as a whole. What’s even more curious is... Continue reading
Seeking the “wisdom of crowds” is quite popular right now, and I’ve always believed in scanning the room to get the “sense of the group.” I’m also a big proponent of the value of teamwork... Continue reading
I like the idea of hosting dinner parties, weekend potlucks, veritable swapmeets of desserts. I enjoy the initial planning, reviewing cookbooks and recipes ripped from magazines, deciding which dishes will go well with which. Am... Continue reading
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