Say you’re interviewing candidates for a big job you really need to fill -- and fast. The absence of someone in this crucial spot is beginning to halt progress and the staff is starting to... Continue reading
Some leaders believe they can size up employees and their work styles — even people who don’t report to them — based on how the employees look or seem. These leaders make assumptions along the... Continue reading
When your expectations get in the way, you may not notice what's right in front of you. There’s been enough research done about cognitive biases that by now we all know we have them, even... Continue reading
Clients often ask me how to deal with tricky interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Two of the most challenging situations occur when a leader hires a friend or even the friend of a friend, or... Continue reading
When I interviewed a group of highly experienced technical employees at a client company last week, one of the things I asked them was what consistently made them nuts on the job. They told me... Continue reading
A couple of years ago, when a dear colleague emailed me to ask if I’d consider speaking at TEDxBaylorSchool, I was terrified. Not of speaking, per se, but of the combination of requirements that characterize... Continue reading
One of the most frequent concerns I encounter when I’m interviewing business people — regardless of whether they work on the frontlines or are members of boards of directors — is that they rarely hear... Continue reading
This holiday season I gave a small gift to a local supplier as a token thank you. It was clear from her immediate reaction that she’s not used to receiving client gifts. She started out... Continue reading
Do you know anyone who can’t wait for this year to end? I certainly do, and who can blame them, between family and work troubles, political turmoil and natural disasters. Some of them are looking... Continue reading
When should an organization realize that it’s not enough to keep stepping around a problem — and that it’s time to work through it and stop the excessive cost, disruption, and generally bad customer experience?... Continue reading
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