The majority of your team members are likely to be more stressed right now than you’ve ever known them to be. You’re probably more stressed too. Even the most even-keeled pros may be feeling more... Continue reading
What role does fear play in conflict, and how can we overcome it to address a disagreement? I talked about this with Christina Eanes for the Quit Bleeping Around podcast. Keep Things in Proportion Conflict... Continue reading
During my recent interview for the Human Impact podcast, Ed Andrews made the point that while “most people’s technical skills are reasonably strong, it’s their ‘human skills’ that are lacking.” A crisis period may be... Continue reading
Just as Covid-19 was really taking hold in New York, I was scheduled to appear on Jon Tota’s Learning Life podcast to talk about leadership and conflict. But given the new reality, Jon also asked... Continue reading
Someone recently asked me if the current polarization in both politics and social media is also making people less willing to hear opposing views at work. I responded that even before the digital age, like-minded... Continue reading
The apocryphal curse, “May you live in interesting times,” suggests that “interesting” can also mean “trying,” or “disruptive,” and definitely hard to handle. It’s possible that every generation feels like it lives in times that... Continue reading
When I ran into a local café to pick up some lunch, I saw a young woman who used to work there. She was visiting old colleagues after her first month as a first-year college... Continue reading
This article originally appeared on Every leader knows they shouldn’t play favorites — it can lead to dissatisfaction and discord on a team. There are even some surprising disadvantages for the person who is the... Continue reading
This article originally appeared on Forbes. Between political upheaval, stock market gyrations and general office politics, there’s plenty for any professional to be concerned about these days. As a business person, it’s part of your... Continue reading
A thoughtful reader saw my piece “How to Help Yourself If You’re Feeling Stuck at Work” in Forbes, and wrote to me. She wanted to know how to deal with the burnout she’s experiencing from... Continue reading
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