This article originally appeared on Forbes. Most successful leaders are constantly looking for ways to improve their organization’s results and internal environment. It can be difficult, though, for them to identify which of their efforts actually pay... Continue reading
“Why doesn’t he tell her she has to do better? She doesn’t have to listen to me. Why doesn’t he tell her?” A distressed VP was venting to me. His team was trying to collaborate... Continue reading
This article originally appeared on Forbes. The last 12 months of pandemic, economic upheaval, and societal violence have thrown countless people and businesses off course. Even if you’ve had the good fortune to do work... Continue reading
A faithful reader asked me how to prepare employees for succession. This is a major issue in all kinds of organizations, but it’s particularly relevant for those with declared intentions to promote from within. Promoting... Continue reading
In the last 10 days, two different people have each “bumped” me twice: one was a TV producer who wanted to interview me and the other was a top exec who wanted me to interview... Continue reading
During our Zoom meeting last week, a client was worrying about how little attention he’s given to the formal development of his team members in the last year. He wants them to progress, and he... Continue reading
This post originally appeared on Forbes. From time to time, clients ask me to help them benchmark their culture and business processes against other companies. Sometimes it’s possible to compare processes, particularly if the activities... Continue reading
A client called me last week to ask how to handle a recurring situation: a longtime manager of one department accused another work group of making serious, costly mistakes — all the time, because they... Continue reading
This article originally appeared on Forbes. At this time of year, many organizations are focusing on their annual goals and plans. Beyond quantifying targets and establishing commitments, though, there’s another approach that can help you create... Continue reading
This article originally appeared on As the pandemic continues, there are growing tensions at organizations where employees who have been working from home are now expected to come into reopened offices. Many knowledge workers —... Continue reading
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