Recently, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about how to deal with bosses -- and occasionally co-workers -- who are bullies. I’m wondering if bullying is generally on the rise in tandem with the clinically... Continue reading
After the last couple of posts, some of you have commented that you like the idea of increasing your own happiness as well as raising the general level of happiness in your organizations, but that... Continue reading
Most people want to feel at least a little bit in control, to have some say over how they spend their time and what they have to do -- except for those folks who prefer... Continue reading
Leadership and managerial responsibility can be exciting, but being in charge can be draining, worrisome, and even frightening at times. So how can you stay on the upside to ensure successful performance for yourself and... Continue reading
Consider these scenarios, each from a different organization, and the unfortunate, but logical, conclusions that can be drawn from each one: A lowest-level manager is disparaged by the other managers in her group because her... Continue reading
Senior executives usually work at having strong relationships with their team members -- but surprisingly often, they don’t focus as strongly on their relationship with their team as a whole. What’s even more curious is... Continue reading
Seeking the “wisdom of crowds” is quite popular right now, and I’ve always believed in scanning the room to get the “sense of the group.” I’m also a big proponent of the value of teamwork... Continue reading
Since the Super Bowl I’ve been thinking a lot about Coach Mike Tomlin. Football is not my sport (people knocking each other down on purpose?!?), so I’ve never been that interested in the Super Bowl,... Continue reading
A reader of How to Get Your Point Across without Poking a Hole in Anyone and Q&A About Talking Side by Side sent in a sort of counterpoint question: How do you avoid having a... Continue reading
En route to a client for a couple of days of leadership and team development, the weather was simultaneously fierce and changeable as forecast. Amid dark thunderclouds and pelting rain were startling outbreaks of sun... Continue reading
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