It was almost like watching a train wreck of two separate cultures, or two sets of generational expectations. One was eager and striving, the other, dictatorial and autocratic, although cloaked in a sort of benevolent... Continue reading
After the Yankees’ George Steinbrenner died, a piece ran in the New York Times with the subtitle: “His employees may not have liked it but George Steinbrenner had a point. Brashness and entitlement are essential... Continue reading
I was on an early morning flight from JFK to LAX, trying to catch up on my reading, while most passengers snoozed. Suddenly there was a burst of laughter coming from the window seat one... Continue reading
I watched a woman wrestle with a printer the other day. Unfortunately, the printer was winning. No surprise. The toothpick she had been using as a shim to hold the printer cover in place would... Continue reading
So many organizations have cut back their staff levels, their benefits, perks, politesse during the last couple of years. As some aspects of business pick up, some employers are starting to give small wage increases,... Continue reading
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