This post originally appeared on Forbes. Sometimes you just can’t resolve a conflict completely, even if it’s a righteous one. Maybe your boss refuses to cough up the resources you need for your people. Or... Continue reading
It can be quite startling to recognize how often leaders and other people with authority and status behave ineffectively. Their difficulties can be interpersonal, as when a leader shows favoritism to specific individuals or groups... Continue reading
After months of working together, Steve really thought he and his boss, Mitch, had come to an understanding: Mitch would focus on strategy and marketing while Steve would handle day-to-day operations and virtually all communication... Continue reading
Here’s a situation that no one wants to be in. Let’s say you report to the founder/CEO of a startup. The founder has no management experience and the startup has grown beyond a size they... Continue reading
This post originally appeared on Forbes. Most of us believe that being in a successful relationship with our boss, colleagues or subordinates means we understand each other well and feel aligned and in sync on—well,... Continue reading
Last week, a client asked me this question: “Is it okay to hire my friend/cousin/other connected person in my ecosystem?” I replied that it could be terrible–particularly if and when the job comes to an... Continue reading
An executive asked me the other day, “When a company hires you to fix a problem, what do you look for?” It varies from organization to organization, but I described a pretty typical set of... Continue reading
[Please note: Some examples of profanity are used in this piece.] Have you ever worked in a place where people swear a lot? Sometimes a senior leader has a habit of profanity, or it could... Continue reading
This post originally appeared on Forbes. Don’t be surprised if you recognize yourself in the pages of The Anxious Achiever: Turn Your Biggest Fears Into Your Leadership Superpower by Morra Aarons-Mele. Most of us are anxious in some... Continue reading
We bring a lot of mental and emotional “stuff” to our conflicts—things that we do without thinking about them consciously. I’ve thought a lot about this “unattended baggage” since my wonderful chat with Richard Atherton,... Continue reading
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